The Letter to Richard Pennycock:
"We are writing to you in the hope that you will use your good offices to encourage the Co-operative Society to progress the campaign against hatred and discrimination in certain sections of the press.
Members of the East Sussex Branch of the Co-op Party were concerned that the Co-op should be seen to be putting its weight behind the campaign 'Stop Funding Hate' which LEGO has supported by terminating its agreement with the Daily Mail .
At its meeting in November the following motion was proposed to the meeting which the East Sussex Branch of the Co-op Party passed unanimously as follows:-
'The East Sussex Branch calls upon the Co-op Party Executive and the CEO of the Co-op Retail Group to support the stance taken by LEGO to stop advertising in newspapers which support hatred, discrimination and demonization in accordance with the principals of the Co-Operative Party.'
Branch members are aware that this issue is being considered by the Co-op Group and wished to add their support for action."
We will let you know how we get on!