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Saturday, 16 January 2021

New East Sussex Team for 2021

The East Sussex Branch held its 2021 AGM online on January 16th. A well attended Zoom meeting saw members from every part of the County, and heard from our Labour and Co-operative MP  Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Brighton Kemptown including Peacehaven) and from elected Labour and Co-op Town Councillors Ben Cox, Angie Smith (Uckfield ) and John Edson (Seaford)   There were reports from all of the Labour Party constituencies in the County. 

The meeting elected Neil Woodroffe as the new Branch Chair, with Jane Marter as vice-chair, Dave Brinson as secretary,  Rue Franklin as treasurer and Dawn Dublin as equalities officer. 

The Branch agreed to endorse a number of Labour and Co-operative candidates for the forthcoming County Council elections.

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Branch AGM 2021

The Annual General Meeting of the East Sussex Branch of the Co-operative Party,  will be held via Zoom, on Saturday 16th January 2021.  

Paid up members will have been emailed a link.  Please contact the secretary if you have not received this. 


1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the 2019 AGM.

3. Reports:
  • Chair,
  • Vice Chair,
  • Secretary/Treasurer (including annual accounts from August 2019)
  • Constituency Labour Parties
  • SE Regional Party
4. Elections:
  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Any other officers
  • Delegates to SE Regional Party (2) if still required
  • Delegates (where a GC Structure operates) or nominated contacts (where an all-member meeting structure) to Constituency Labour Parties as required
5. Plan of Work for 2021 , to include confirmation of meeting dates for the year, arrangements for endorsing candidates for ESCC elections (and postponed borough council elections where applicable) and possible rescheduling of events cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions (day school and film showing events.)

To allow for advance notification, nominations for vacant posts are sought in advance of the meeting. Members may self-nominate, (and a formal proposer and seconder will be sought at the meeting) Please email nominations to the current Secretary.