The branch held its 2018 AGM at the RAF Association in Eastbourne on 14th July:
We were pleased to welcome Andrew Pakes, from the Co-operative Party NEC as our guest speaker. Andrew was able to talk about a variety of campaigns the Party is mounting- not least in response to John McDonnell's commitment for an incoming Labour government to double the size of the co-operative economy by 2030. Housing, transport and co-operative models for community services were amongst the topics discussed.
New Branch Officers:
The branch gave its thanks to outgoing Chair Gill Roles and outgoing vice-chair Jean Couture, and elected Jane Marter as our new Chair, and Geraldine Rolfe as our new vice-chair. Dave Brinson will continue as Branch Secretary.
End Modern Slavery:
Members of the branch were also encouraged to promote the campaign against Modern Slavery, and to encourage their local Labour Party branches to sign up.