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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Next Branch Meeting: 19th November

There will be a meeting of the East Sussex Branch of the Co-operative Party on Saturday 19th November 2016 at 10.30am at the Ivy Room, Eastbourne Central Library, Grove Road, Eastbourne.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes of the last ordinary meeting held September 2016

3. Matters Arising

4. Brief Reports:
     a) Membership
     b) Treasurer
     c) Constituency Labour Parties
     d) Sussex Co-operative Party Council

5.  EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL: Getting the co-operative agenda into the County Council election campaigns in May 2017. There will be a chance to update on the selection of co-operative candidates, and the process of an agreed Labour manifesto for the county.

6. Any other business

The Ivy Room is on the second floor of the library: there is lift access.  Coffee and Tea is available from the coffee shop in the Under Ground Theatre (basement floor)