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Saturday, 9 August 2014

Co-op Party Policy: Have your say !

At Co-operative Party Annual Conference 2014 we'll be discussing policy in 6 key areas.

The draft policy papers that will be debated are now available by clicking the links above.  If you' have additional ideas or amendments, you can submit these through our local branch, or e-mail the Co-operative Party directly by clicking here.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Next Branch Meeting: Saturday 9th August

There will be a meeting of the East Sussex Branch of the Co-operative Party on Saturday 9th August, 2014 10.30am,  at the Central Methodist Church, Langney Road, Eastbourne.

The Agenda will be:
  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the last ordinary  meeting  held December 2013, and draft minutes from the May AGM
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Reports:  a) Membership  b) Treasurer  c) Constituency Labour Parties  d) Sussex Co-operative Party Council  e)  Any other Reports
  5. Campaign Planning- especially  (a)  Credit Union for the Forces Campaign (National) and (b) Eastbourne Pier- pushing for co-operative solutions.
  6. Any other business, including date of next  meeting.
All Co-operative Party members are encouraged to attend. Tea and Coffee will be provided at the meeting.